Work today is merely a place “where we just go”. Today’s workforce – enabled by modern technologies - is dynamic, agile and collaborative. Work patterns and needs are evolving fast and organisations must ensure that their workplace strategy evolves accordingly to continuously meet their business objectives. Whether it is merging two or more organisations/ cultures, relocating or consolidating occupied buildings, outgrowing existing spaces or wanting to introduce change and support new ways of working, KN Group brings a unique multi-disciplinary expertise to workplace strategy coupled with a deep understanding of the Greek market. KN Group focuses on the following areas:
Workplace Strategy: taking in consideration the latest workplace strategy and design practices, we ensure that our clients achieve the optimal return on real estate investments and create workplaces with consistency and rigor that embody our clients branding and ethos and improve cost effectiveness, overall performance and garner employee loyalty and satisfaction
Portfolio Planning: balancing current and future needs and auditing multiple sites, we develop for our clients occupancy scenarios and optimization strategies that support them to address consolidations and reorganizations, minimizing any related operational risks.
Transition Planning: managing transitions requires a solid understanding of all project management and change management aspects. KN Group creates a realistic action plan and provides the means so that its clients can develop a solid communication strategy to minimize anxiety, decrease lost time and build excitement about upcoming workplace. changes
Our comprehensive design services span across: Architectural, Interior, Graphic, Commercial design & Branding Implementation
We consider every element in the mix - from growth plans and the operational needs of your business - to IT and infrastructure requirements. We translate your needs into concepts and visual prototypes, we research and propose architectural and space planning solutions that integrate functional ideas, aesthetics and ergonomics and meet the budgetary and time requirements of every project.
Furthermore, our experts know how important it is to leverage this opportunity to bring consistency across physical branded assets such as architectural signage, imagery but also in the creation of custom-made furniture and how spaces are designed. We take inspiration of the brand identity and guidelines to design spaces that reflect these principles. When done correctly brand implementation has the potential to deliver significant rewards: strong market presence, increased brand value and a vehicle to drive emotional connections and engagement across the workforce.
Our interior design and brand experts, work with colours, materials, forms and texture and utilise shape and light to create unique environments that meet your functional requirements and consistently embody and bring your brand identity to life. Our objective is to create spaces that integrate with harmony in their natural environment and transform your office into a business asset that will work for years to come.
Our project management services ensure that for every project all required resources are co-ordinated seamlessly to deliver against your expectations on time, quality and budget. Our dedicated project management experts work collaboratively with our clients, our in-house teams and partners from various fields to deliver a frictionless experience reporting the progress across all critical milestones.
Our project management services expand to include pre-lease services including building evaluations, pre-construction and cost analyses as well as technical advisory including space evaluation, development and inspection. For every project we direct and coordinate all required aspects even before the construction process begins. Furthermore, our in-house legal department is available to offer its services to meet every project’s specific legal requirements.
KN Group’s project management services provide you with a one-stop shop, ensuring you can continue to focus on running your business while we focus on taking care of your project.
Thanks to years of experience and out extensive network of partners we are able to offer the very best building solutions whether we develop or renovate spaces. We coordinate works with our expert partners to deliver the best quality within the agreed timelines. Any technical challenges arising during construction are properly managed on the spot from our construction engineers who supervise the projects. At the end of each project, all technical specs of materials and machinery are properly documented. A hand over file which includes the as build drawings is delivered to the customer so that they have full visibility and access to all required information for future use.
Our team of Professionals and Engineers provides detailed studies, inspection and management services related to the architectural, structural, mechanical, electrical and security elements of buildings. We are focused not only on what is good for business but also what is good for safe and sustainable places for people to work and thrive. Our studies and recommendations take into consideration all necessary public health and safety aspects, waste management requirements and new technologies to assure that energy saving and eco-friendly systems are used. That means KN Group clients can make responsible decisions for their business and their people. Furthermore, the continuous co-operation between Engineers and the Design Team ensure decisions are co-ordinated taking into account aesthetics, the brand and functionality needs of the customer in the implementation study. As a result KN Group’s multi-disciplinary teams work closely together to create a unified and holistic solution avoiding issues that can occur from poorly communicated information, inconsistencies in documentation and hand-overs and poor resource allocation.
From reception areas, staff desks and seating to meeting rooms, informal collaboration zones, office canteens and external areas we recognise that “objects” are an essential part of the spaces we create.
Building on the heritage of KN Group’s early days, we have our own in-house carpentry department that designs and creates custom-made solutions however small or big they may be. Over the years, with our long presence and track record in the Greek market, we have augmented our own expertise with a comprehensive and carefully selected network of partners including high end designers, manufacturers, and craftsmen.
Our inhouse-team alongside our partner network share the same passion for designing functional spaces and objects that express a unique character in line with the operational but also brand related requirements of our clients. Each and every time we carefully select and source materials that fit-for purpose, minimize environmental impact and drive resource efficiency without sacrificing quality. Our project managers and in-house experts guide the work of our partners every step on the way ensuring our clients needs are well served.
Our range of procurement services include budget management, quality control, ordering and delivery as well as fitting and installation supervision. KN Group’s extensive partner network, independent approach and buying power mean we can provide you with effortless and “as- needed” access to expertise and resources at the best quality and value possible removing waste or delays from the process as we co-ordinate all necessary parties involved.
We believe it is important to maintain a safe environment and ensure that every space serves well its intended function.
Our dedicated maintenance team will conduct regular inspections on your behalf and examine each space with meticulous attention to determine specific maintenance requirements. We then create a tailor made comprehensive plan providing you with all possible alternatives, carrying out the ones you authorize.
Ultimately we want your space to be safe and look its best throughout its life cycle and we want you to enjoy it every single day.
We are growing each year and yet we maintain our passion for the work we do and cultivate our unique culture of collaboration, innovation and fun.
Read MoreWe are KN Group _ Design that works®
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Open House Athens 2023: Επισκεφθήκαμε την Οικία Ροδοκανάκη, το Αθηναϊκό Κέντρο Ερευνας & Ελληνικών Σπουδών του Πανεπιστημίου Πρίνστον, την γκαλερί Gagosian, το Ωδείο Αθηνών και τη Melas Martinos gallery
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Η LiFO και η Design Ambassador δημιούργησαν μια πρωτότυπη σειρά ειδικών εκδόσεων που απελευθέρωσαν το αρχιτεκτονικό έντυπο από τον κλαδικό του χαρακτήρα και έδωσαν νέα δυναμική και ουσία στη συζήτηση για την αρχιτεκτονική, το design και την ανάπτυξη.
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Our project in Papastratos complex in Piraeus featured in Construction Magazine. With great pleasure we participated in the renovation of the former premises of "Papastratos Tobacco Company". Teleperformance Hellas, after 20 consecutive years of collaboration coupled with our experience in large-scale projects, has assigned us with the following: High Supervision of the project according to the technical specifications we prepared, Concept Design, Branding, Equipment & Supply.
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KN GROUP’s property of a post industrial building complex in Moschato was the venue of two exhibitions of Athens Design Forum. Τhe locus of the abandoned factory acted as an inspiring stage, an active surrounding, a “live” reference that subtly established a material culture of articulated building techniques and matter that was integral part of the exhibited design objects and sculptures. We are excited to have contributed in the dialogue of post - manufacturing and contemporary design in the city of Athens.
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When it comes to contemporary design, Athens is probably not the first place that comes to mind. But a vibrant design scene is alive in the Greek capital, deconstructing and transforming its dizzyingly rich heritage into intelligent, seductive, and playful design objects.
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Με σήμα το κοινό αθηναϊκό ποδόμακτρο, το Athens Design Forum μας προσκαλεί έως τις 7 Οκτωβρίου να πάρουμε μέρος σε πλήθος εκδηλώσεων που περιλαμβάνουν από εκθέσεις και σεμινάρια έως και επισκέψεις σε σπίτια και εργαστήρια καλλιτεχνών.
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In collaboration with locus athens
Hosted by KN Group_design that works
Duration: 12:00 Tues 21 st Sept – 12:00 Wed 22 nd Sept
Address: Florinis 15, Moschato 183 46
Access by: metro (Moschato), buses (049, 914, 218, 1)
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We proudly participate in Athens Design Forum
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We proudly participate in Athens Design Forum
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Inside ENA campus, a unique office complex in Athens that stands out for its conceptual approach by KN Group, different cultures are interpreted to architecture and design, aiming to create the first multicultural workplace in Greece that celebrates while brings together people and cultures from the six continents.
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Κοντά στην Κεντρική Λαχαναγορά, σ' ένα υπό κατασκευή συγκρότημα 18.000 τ.μ, αναπτύσσονται τα έξι κτίρια της εταιρείας Teleperformance. Η ΚΝ Group συνέλαβε και υλοποίησε το concept του ΕΝΑ campus συνδυάζοντας την υψηλή αισθητική, τις σύγχρονες τάσεις στο design, τη λειτουργικότητα, αλλά και τη μέριμνα για τις ανάγκες των εργαζόμενων της εταιρείας. Το αποτέλεσμα είναι, όντως, εντυπωσιακό.
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Ειμαστε πολύ ικανοποιημένοι που το έργο επανάχρησης των πρώην εγκαταστάσεων της "Παπαστράτος" οδεύει επιτυχώς προς την ολοκλήρωσή του. Σε αυτό συμμετέχουμε από την αρχή για λογαριασμό της Τeleperformance Ελλαδος, η οποία μας ανέθεσε διάφορους ρόλους στα 7 διαφορετικά κτίρια: από την Υψηλή Επίβλεψη του έργου για λογαριασμό της, την εκπόνηση των τευχών των τεχνικών προδιαγραφών και των κτιριολογικών μελετών, το Concept Design, το Branding μέχρι και την προμήθεια εξοπλισμού
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Είναι ένας φιλοσοφημένος επιχειρηματίας που υπογράφει τους πιο πρωτοποριακούς χώρους εργασίας στην Αθήνα, χωρίς να χάνει την περιέργεια και τον ενθουσιασμό ενός παιδιού. Εν μέσω της πανδημίας που αλλάζει και τον τρόπο που εργαζόμαστε, μας μίλησε αποκλειστικά και μοιράστηκε μαζί μας το δικό του νόημα της επιτυχίας.
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Our recent project in Papastratos complex in Piraeus featured in the news. With great pleasure we participated in the renovation of the former premises of "Papastratos Tobacco Company". Teleperformance Hellas, after 20 consecutive years of collaboration coupled with our experience in large-scale projects, has assigned us with the following: High Supervision of the project according to the technical specifications we prepared, Concept Design, Branding, Equipment Supply.
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